logo missing Horoscope 2020 Gemini
Gemini 2020 Astrology

You are considered sportive, communicative, with personal charm, persuasive and intelligent people. An understanding of the star's influence will help you make the correct decisions in the upcoming year.

Love: The romantic path is about to flourish in many varieties and possibilities. But it looks as though the other side is the one that takes the lead. Don’t be deterred of situations in which you are not the ones that say the last word. Anticipate qualitative acquaintanceships with distinguished people. Joining prestigious establishments can improve your starting point.

Career: The personal charm that penetrates from you is good news for all who want to enter the media world, as well as marketing and commerce. Mediation business are just right for you and will bring with them nice compensation. Luck is waiting for you in places that demand a quick tongue and light response. A huge blessing streams to all that express their magnificent talent of creative writing, especially in the advertising and copywriting fields.

Money: This year you are confronting yourselves and have belief in your ability to make money. The stars are collapsing mental barriers that overclouded your financial courage. You are getting free from the dependence that you developed towards the decision makers and the wallet holders. Suddenly you become the ones that judge after becoming the ones with the money. The more you persist believing in yourselves, the more your bank account will be filled. Above all you must become an independent financial unit.
Energies: Your yearly fortune is connected to people (and places) with names that when you sum up their letters (of full name), as well as their date of birth you will receive the number 9, for example the summing of the number 18.

Reference points for the upcoming year: On January- March you can anticipate waves of affection from those that you awakened their hearts. You meet a man that simply thinks the same as you.

Your Daily Tarot Reading

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Leo's Card of the Day

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As a priest, the Pope or the best Hierophant, represents all those traditional values and morals of development. He is the wisely teacher / counselor guiding the ones who won’t give up or the ones who are not even with no one.

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The Zodiac is made up of 12 Sun Signs. Your Date of Birth determines which one you are:


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