Affiliate guides – How to Guides

Where can i find my referral links?

Your links located on your Affiliate Dashboard (click on”Generate Link” button), or follow this link here.

Your main affiliate link looks like this: (4 is your individual agent ID. replace it with yours).

Also you can create custom links for any item you think that your audience will like or to any category on our shop.
Your custom links for categories will look like this:
(This link will take your audience directly to the category with your agent affiliate ID – Don’t forget to replace the agent ID to yours).

What are the best places to put my referral links?

The best places to put your individual links is:
On your Instagram Bio (with a short text like: follow the link for Healing jewelry, Crystals add Spiritual gifts).

– Another effective method is to Upload a Story to Instagram with the option to scroll up to your individual link (This option is good if you have 10,000+ followers on Instagram).

Share your individual links on your Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest or WhatsApp page for your fans, friends and family.
We already generated the links for you! You can find them on this link. (On the bottom)

– If you have a website or a Blog you can add a link there too.

Can i give my audience a coupon?

Sure! We have created a spacial coupon for affiliates that you can give to your audience and users. The coupon code is: FIRST10, and users can use it for their first order. You will earn 25% from the total orders and your referred users get 10% discountIt’s a Win-Win situation!

(The user need type the coupon code on the Checkout page, to get the 10% discount).

A user clicked on my link. for how long it’s saved as my referral click?

The cookie is for 14 days from clicking on your individual link. that means that if a user clicked on your link, but made the purchase later (Up to 14 days!), you’ll still earn 25% from his/her order/s!

Have another question? Drop us a message here