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How to use Western Astrology? Western Astrology meaning

Western Astrology meaning
Western Astrology meaning

What it Western Astrology meaning?
Western world is waking up to the concept of using Astrology to improve their lives. It is perceived to be more materialistic than the Eastern world.

More and more of the western world and modern societies are waking up to the concept of using Astrology to improve their daily lives and to get more information abut their Zodiac sign traits. it’s not obvious as the It is perceived to be more materialistic than the Eastern world. People in the advanced economies of the world give more importance to the tangible things in life rather than the spiritual ones. Eastern countries like India and China, on the other hand, give more importance to intangible and spiritual things in life like love, affection, emotions etc.

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This difference is clearly evident if we cpmpare the lifestyle of a Western or an Eastern person. For example, for an average Indian, life is not imaginable without the concept of God and religion is his qher everyday life. The Western countries, on the other hand, are more Atheists and Agnostics. The Western mind has always been inquisitive and believes only on exact sciences and tangible things. For them, a theory is not acceptable unless it’s proved by scientific experiments. Well, that is quite normal if you live in western countries. But still there are a few things which cannot be proved by scientific experiments, not yet.

There is a point after which “science” has to agree that they can’t or must prove the cration of the world and the life on it, and the concept of “God” takes over. for example everyone agree that in spite of advancements in science, the scientists still are not able to give life to a person who is dead. They even cannot explain a simple thing like electricity.

There are many mysteries ans un answered questions for which there are no scientific explanations available. But still, they do exist. So, it is not entirely possible to always rely only on science. Therefore, issues on divine intervention or spiritual guides cannot be ruled out. On the other hand, the modern eastern philosophy relies too much on the esoteric phenomena. This creates a clash with the western way of thinking. There has to be a combination of the eastern and western philosophies so that a proper balance is maintained on our life.

But it’s not all bad – the good news is that we are at a time when Eastern world is beginning to accept the western philosophy and vice versa. Eastern world is trying to have a more materialistic viewpoint on life and the western world is beginning to open up to the possibility of using once spiritual phenomena such as Yoga and Meditation, Vedic Astrology, Healing crystal energies and Alternative medicine methods.

Now days, astrology is one of the disciplines which have caught the imagination of millions of the western people. Because of their fast-paced and sometimes unhealthy lifestyles and stress, the people from the advanced countries tend to fall prey to fatigue and depression more often. There are many cases of teenage pregnancies, and drug abuse along with diabetes and social depression. These factors have made life quite insecure in these countries. So, a proven discipline like Astrology and meditation, Reiki healing and Crystal healing are gainging popularity there.

The Astrology can be an answer to many of the western issues as Astrology promises to provide its users with information about one’s future. Astrologers can also offer remedial measures and actions to any fault in life due to planetary motions. The zodiac sign of an individual can tell a lot about him or her. This allows men and women to understand the opposite sex better and exploit your personal potential.

Reading and analyzing the daily horoscopes have become a regular activity for millions westerners now-a-days. They are fascinated by the impact of astrology ans the daily forecast on one’s daily life. For them, it is amazing to know that our lives can be influenced by the motion of planets millions of miles away from earth. Astrology can be effectively used to enhance key areas of one’s life like love, relationships, money, career etc. Astrology birth chart may be used to resolve problems concerning money, bad luck, love, or any other large or small grievances. Thousands of successful users will vouch for the effectiveness of Astrology and healing crystals in problem solving.